Tuesday 19 November 2013

Initial Idea for my Music Magazine

Target audience:

A magazine that has been slightly edged towards females but still approachable by male, between the ages of 16-19.Teenagers that are interested in Indie/Rock based music and those who follow Indie and Vintage fashion style, which some call a ‘Hipster’ market. This target audience will be attracted by some upper-class brands such as Starbucks which are commonly associated with the ‘hipster’ market; however, being of a young age they will not have a high income.

Price point:

The price for my magazine will hopefully be around the £2.50 to £4.00 mark, being quite a high priced magazine it makes it slightly upper market and it will be specifically marketed to those who have a passion and general interest for vintage fashion and indie rock music, so in view of this they will be willing to pay more for something they are passionate in, however, this could change depending on more research into my target audience.


This magazine may be published fortnightly or monthly depending on more information into my target audience, however, if it was published weekly I think it may be too expensive for my target audience, being slightly upper market the price would stay a little high.

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