Thursday 21 November 2013

1st Draft for Contents Page for my Music Magazine

This is my first draft for my contents page that will feature in my music magazine, the title for this page will always be at the top of this page,  however, the rest of the page may change composition depending on what layout looks beat when I start creating my magazine.

As most magazines do, my contents page will feature Editors Notes, this is just where the editor will introduce this weeks magazine and will welcome the reader. I may have a picture of the editor with the notes, or I may use have the notes, it will depend on how crowded the page will look at the end.

My main image for this page will be in the top left hand corner, it will be of something that will feature in the magazine, the photograph will be taken by me, and will of something that relates to indie-rock fashion or music.

I will also have a box in the bottom right hand corner where it will be offering the reader to subscribe to this magazine which will hopefully boost sales and profit of this magazine.

The numbers will be larger than the text when creating my contents list, this will grab the eye  of the reader and will make it clear what page the article is on, also the layout of the contents list will be about 'this issue' and also a separate one for music specials.

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