Tuesday 8 October 2013

College Magazine Audience Questionnaire

College Magazine Questionnaire
1.       Are you male/ female/ other?

2.       Do you read the college magazine?

3.       How often would you like it produced?
        Every half term
        Every term

4.       How much would you pay for the magazine?


5.       Would Freebies/ Special offers/ discounts encourage you to buy this magazine?

6.       What would you like to see featured in this magazine?
        News                                                   Problem page
        Reviews                                              Sports
        Games                                                Competitions
        Fashion                                                Art
        Culture                                                 Finance
        Food                                                   Other

7.       What three colours would attract you to look at the magazine?

8.       What would you like to see on the front cover?
        Students/ people
        Students work

9.       Would an online version encourage you to read the magazine?

10.    Would you be interested in contributing to the magazine?

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