Thursday 10 October 2013

College Magazine Analysis


This is a college magazine and the main image shows a happy young man, of the correct age carrying a ‘Law, Business  and Society’ book, suggesting that this man is intelligent promoting that if you attend college you can become intelligent and learn about a wide range of subjects, you gain a good education.  Seeing the man smile and look relaxed and happy is the college promoting itself and saying that you will become like him. Around his neck he wears a religious cross which leads me to believe he could be a church attender and that he has good moral, also the clothes he wears are quite smart and it looks like this young man has wealth, it is a very positive outlook for this young black man, considering all of the slander that young black men get. 
The masthead for this magazine simply says ‘COLLEGE’ showing that this magazine is aimed at the young college audience. The colours of the magazine are bright yellows, white, pink and black, which gives the magazine a smart and professional look, also most of the colours are quite happy colours, like the yellow, giving the magazine a positive feel.

The cover lines on this magazine are about; music, sport, technology, fashion and finance, which are supposedly all the things that a college student are interested in. Showing that this magazine has thought about what their target audience are interested in. 

Overall, this magazine has a positive outlook for their college and student life, as this man is happy and has an intelligent influence with the books and he is smiling giving a positive feel.

Questionnaire Analysis

Questionnaire Analysis

They people that completed my survey were aged between 16 and 19, 50% were male and 50% were female. One of the questions was to find out who reads the current college magazine, and I found that a staggering 95% didn’t read or didn’t know about the current magazine, suggesting that the college magazine is not working as only 5% knew and read the media product. It is important to know when to print and make your media product available, so I asked me target audience, and the majority with 40% said that they would like to read it every half term, however, it was closely followed with 35%  wanting an issue every month. Seeing as these time periods are quite far apart, I thought the students might want to pay a small fee to improve the magazine; my results were that 45% of the students would pay nothing for it, making it free, but, 35% said they would mind spending 50p upon the product. In response to this question I asked whether freebies/ discounts/ special offers would tempt you into paying for the magazine, and 90% said yes. So, with the new media product I can get the students to pay for the magazine as long as some sort of discount or freebie is included.

Question 6 asked what they would like to see featured in the magazine, for this question I got a range of results, but the top scoring categories were Art, News, Games, Sport and a Problem Page. So, the new magazine will have these topics featured inside and have cover lines on the front cover, to tempt the students into buying it as this is what they want to read about. Colours that attract the target audience are blue, yellow, red and black, so upon the front cover; these colours will be featured, as well as white as that was a high scored too.  

Upon the front cover I found that the college students would like to see either students/people and or student work on the front, with 40% of people wanting to see students/ people, and 35% of people wanting to see students work, this could been in future issues there could be students work upon the front cover.

75% of people would like an online issue so a web address can be featured on the front cover. And, 30 % of people would like to contribute to the college magazine.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

College Magazine Audience Questionnaire

College Magazine Questionnaire
1.       Are you male/ female/ other?

2.       Do you read the college magazine?

3.       How often would you like it produced?
        Every half term
        Every term

4.       How much would you pay for the magazine?


5.       Would Freebies/ Special offers/ discounts encourage you to buy this magazine?

6.       What would you like to see featured in this magazine?
        News                                                   Problem page
        Reviews                                              Sports
        Games                                                Competitions
        Fashion                                                Art
        Culture                                                 Finance
        Food                                                   Other

7.       What three colours would attract you to look at the magazine?

8.       What would you like to see on the front cover?
        Students/ people
        Students work

9.       Would an online version encourage you to read the magazine?

10.    Would you be interested in contributing to the magazine?