Tuesday 25 February 2014

Album Art

This is the album that I featured on my feature article. This was simply created by taking a photograph and then adding the type to make it appear to be an album cover.

Contact Sheet 2

This is my contact sheet for the contents page photographs, all of these except from the first one where taken in the photography studio against a black wall using the lamps and the light, the other separate one however was taken in the classroom. Being taken in this environment is suitable due to the fact that she is the editor and would be seen in an office or board room type environment.

Final Feature Article

Final Contents Page

Final Front Cover

Construction Calendar

My construction of my magazine and media products will go as follows:
  • 2 weeks December: Front cover
  • 2 weeks January: Contents
  • 2 weeks January: Feature Article
  • 1 week February: To change and make any improvements to the three media products.

Contact Sheet

This is a contact sheet of some of the photographs I took for my cover photograph and my feature article photograph. This shoot consists of the photographs I took in the studio with lamps and lighting, so he same model; Hannah.

Monday 24 February 2014

Rejected Products

This is a rejected version of my cover photo, it was my
original ideas, however, I can now see there are lots of things
wrong with this piece.

Question Analysis

Locations/Props/Costume List

For the photographs I am going to take, I have decided to take them in a photographic studio in which I will have all the necessary equipment and technology to create a successful photographs to feature on my upper market magazine. Within the studio environment I will have the choice of either a white or black back drop, which is ideal for the look I want, as I want all the emphasis to be on the model. This simple background will help with the sophisticated look of my magazine and continue with the theme of fashion.

For my photographs I want a serious mood and tone to them, which is very conventional to the fashion and music industry, so using props will not fit in the theme and sophistication on the magazine. However, props may include simple things such as flowers and make up implements to encourage the fashion side of the magazine. However, I will not use head bands, or things to put in the hair, as I want the model to look quite indie and have an individual style and head bands are currently quite main stream so would not fit in with the style of the model.

Costume List and Model:
The models I will photograph will be three teenage girls, the main cover photograph will be of the same girl that will feature on all three of my media products, however, the main photograph for the contents page will be of a different girl and the other will be a smaller image. I want the girls to wear quite simple clothes that have an indie influence and quite subtle make up, this will the emphasis the sleek and sophisticated, upper class magazine look. All girls will be styled with a vintage theme and will be made to seem beautiful and indie fashioned.